Dont judge spelling i am very tired
I have a few things to talk about i still have whale island, yorknew, and NGL left to create but i wanted to say a few things before i move in to some more explaining… first and foremost i have added the shows actual charecters but only the 4 main ones and you cant exactly play as them but thats just a small part… this game plans on having interesting gameplay, being able to explore and no end, but this game isnt very “asteticly” good its a fan game so no matter how hard i work im just not that good at spritework, im not saying lower expectations, im saying the visuals will be default assets but i digress i will pump an entire weekend into this game right now its at like 45% but should be realeased in july or mabye a bit before that either way its close now on to next info: I wanted to talk about places to visit in this game there are 5 in total each of them have a reason for being there
-NGL (Exploreing and xp grinding)
-Padokea (Shopping and Heavens Arena)
-Whale island (Xp grinding and another party member)
-Yorknew (Items at cheaper prices “auction” and a place to sell items)
-Hunter island (made up place where the NEW Hunter building resides)(Beginning of adventure)
This is everything i have on my mind so one more closing remark… please dont judge this game based off of elemental fighters, that game was a test of mutiple things, i am putting much more work into this and i hope i can fix EF in the game…