2 years ago

So this is my first time someone in twitter joins vico

So what do i do guys?



Next up

whats up lad? how ya doing?

OperateOS(horror visual novel)

Next update: adding languages into the game.

Things I drew as a art for my game

FR: Des cadres pour avatar sont disponibles en magasin. Dites-moi ce que vous en pensez et faites passer le message ! ;)

EN: Avatar frames are available in the shop. Tell me what you think about it and pass the message on ! ;)

=> https://gamejolt.com/@AntoineVanGeyseghem/shop



the game has been released on itch.io, and released on gamejolt.

I really hope you guys enjoy my first visual novel game, I don't expected to be great but its a short game.

FR: Ce que vous voyez est ce que j'ai texturé jusqu'à présent. :)

EN: What you're seeing is what I have textured so far. :)

Pour / For: @Ra4ok_Dev

Dessin par / Drawing by: @BonnieBonzo

CRASHED :( operateOS cannot restart[opOS]> dont worry just press the right button to reboot...........';]#/[.,[/,############[/,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#[#/[,#[/#,,,,,,,,,,[/#,[/,#[],[/]';]']/['''''''''''''''].'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''./.[/].'/.]]/'.,/],#

The game is complete.

I will release it on Google play and gamejolt

the muffin killer has a new update and now part 2 is available so grab the version 2 now https://gamejolt.com/games/muffins/687720

brand new muffins :O

if you didnt joined vico then sign up now vico.forumotion.com :D reminder: project made by vico

Me and my bro!!!!