After Hours at Raichu's [Non-Profit Fan game]

3 years ago

some bad news.

Hello ladies and gentlemen, this is paul.

You're probably wondering already by the title of this article, something bad has happened. Have further updates for AHaR been cancelled? No. Has a DMCA been filed against the game? No... and honestly I really hope it doesn't happen, either.

It's none of those reasons. I'm sorry to say, Yesterday my mum, older sister and nephew tested positive for COVID-19, and last night it seems like I caught it myself - I did a test a few hours ago and it seems like I have also tested positive. I am really, really worried as I don't know if I'll recover fully or not. I currently feel dizzy, have a headache (which is getting better) and a sore throat as I type this, but I've been given some medicine and I've been drinking some water to help myself feel a little better.

I'll have to hold off further development/updates for AHaR until I manage to recover, and when I do, I'll probably start the AHaR community on here since I know some of you have been wondering why I haven't made one yet. So remember ladies and gentlemen, wash your hands, drink water, take vitamins, anything to help you get rid of the virus if you have it yourself. Just be safe out there because I don't know if I'll ever make it through.

Thank you all for the support on the game over the past year, though. It's really been appreciated and although I may not be happy with some aspects of the game now, it's been a fun ride. That's all I'd like to say, take care... - paul

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Next up

Okay just to let you all know. I've finished with the cameras I've revamped, I'm gonna get to redoing the positions for the characters that appear in them, then I'll finish off the extras and a couple of other things.

for now pichu says hello

soooo I've finished the revamped look of pichu's stage, here's what it looks like in game. I still gotta redraw the images for pichu looking/coming out from the curtains though but the one where it's closed is done so there's that covered, more to come


also tomorrow I'll be turning 19. I wanted to get the update done and out by then but I got carried away with some other things, I promise that it'll be out next month so don't ya worry!


A.I. changes [warning: flashing images]

More info below

Rat Race Production Update

random sketch I did at 4'o clock in the morning. man I really need to stop staying up late lol

would ya believe me this is the first thing I've drawn in my sketchbook since december? because I haven't done anything in it since january... until now that is

okey dokey heres another game boy style cover of sonic 2 8-bit, this time it's the theme to gimmick mt. zone. hope ya like it

link to youtube version:

made using furnace tracker


What if Marble zone was in the 8-bit Sonic 1...?

Some mockup thing I made recently, might post the tileset I made to deviantart sometime. Despite similarities these aren't the exact ones used in the sonic 1 SMS remake fan game if you are wondering