Spawn Rusher doesn't work on the game anymore, so please don't ask him for updates. He did an amazing work, the current game state is really good and definitely better than my last version work. If you ask for any update, contact me, don't @ Spawn.
Also, I'm not adding Eternal Mode back. It's just not a good thing for the game. I already explained why and you guys asked to remove it for the same reasons.
So, what's next? I thought about some ideas for a new major update, but honestly, I'm not interested in continuing to work on this project, like I said before, it's in a good state, I'm not looking for anything else.
And the last thing, I know I have to update the Hall of Fame, and I want to congratulate to the people who beat Suicide Mouse and even Silent Suicide Mouse, that's a great achievement! Just to let you know I will update the HOF to match it with the MML records, my first plan is manually add the people but on the best of the cases, I will work on a system to update automatically the HOF.