Fazbear Horror: The Twisted Amusment Park

6 years ago

Sorry to anyone who saw the original image, it was grainy and pixilated because I didn't render it right, but now I rerendered it and it is much smoother!

it is an image of the main amusment park area of Fazbear Park so far!



Next up

Entrance to Fazbear Park(so far)

An image of the Puppetmaster for Fazbear Horror: The Twisted Amusment Park

also he does have a top hat!

Some renders of Fazbear Horror the Twisted Amusment Park!(a game I'm working on)

if you're following me and still haven't heard of this game I would reccomend checking it out as it is the latest project I am working on!


The main cast is returning! "So put you're hands together for the one, the only" "FREDDY FAZBEAR!!"

Hey I just updated the game!

I updated the minigame adding more stuff aswell as dialogue! (as seen above) and added a cutscene that you get when pressing "PLAY"

also I added a secret in the game when typing a special code

another pretty cool render I made of a bucket on a flooring!

I know how to texture things now(look at the floor)

hey, here is another scene in the game, it is the car park outside Fazbear Park, it will be on the monitor system

here is a gameplay image of the office with the office desk aswell as the phone displaying a message for the night and the planned map on the monitor panel!

Also that TV at the back of the office is the monitor screen which is controlled by the panel!

I have an idea for an animatronic, Shiny Freddy. Ignore the bad art, I'm horrible at Digital Art.

Gameplay image of Fazbear Horror: The Twisted Amusment Park(FH6) in the office

if you haven't already done so, check out the game here and follow for more updates!