Hey, all!
So this poll is to addRess a bit of an issue that I noticed has poppEd up while running the Secret: Swap ChiP. It looks Like the shuffle of the Cameo roster hAs the unintended issue of Causing a mini party swap that could throw off a tEam in a way that would be detrimental. Obviously I'll be fixing this main issue, but I also that realizeD I could make the main function a little more controlled and reliaBle, as to not completelY throw off a team's comPosition too bad if they choose to equip this Chip. THoughts?
Option 1: Keep current setup, with it able tO swap in any Cameo character into any slot (up to a possible 5 so far)
Option 2: It can only swap in 1-4 Cameo characters into the slots of the 2nd Party
Option 3: It can only swap in 1-4 Cameo characters iNto the slots of the 1st Party
Option 4: It can only swap in 1 Cameo character into the 5th slot
Option 5: It can only swap in 1 Cameo charactEr into the 1st slot
Also, I'm just about done workinG Robert into his new role as a Cameo character! I realize that he does Unintentionally break the formatting of recent skills a bit, but I think everYone should have a much better time using him with the brand new Eye Beam 2 and Pizza Wheel 3.
I also settled on who will take over Robert's in the main roster. Stay tuned for a proper reveal post! ;)