Recently, Mars 2076 came out, the fifth game in the Mars 2077 saga, I was eagerly awaiting that game, and as soon as it came out, I didn't hesitate to play it, I had a good time killing the golems, I was a very curious person, so I decided to leave the map to look for some easter egg that the creator could have left, I spent minutes swimming around the map, it seemed like hours even, when I thought there was nothing, I was about to quit the game, because I was already bored, but in the distance, I saw a humanoid figure approaching, I couldn't figure out what that thing was, until it got close enough and I could tell it apart, it was a skeleton, which was approaching me, I shot it like 24 times, all the bullets hit it, but none of them hurt it, until, that skeleton caught up with me and attacked me, instead of just killing me, my cell phone exploded, to my bad luck, at that moment my cell phone was charging, and when it exploded, the plug in which the charger was connected made a short circuit, and the light in my house went out, I was left in the dark, since it was 9 at night, I went to look for a flashlight in the basement, when I got to the basement, I grabbed the flashlight, and when I turned around, I saw a skull in front of me that 3 seconds later disappeared, some time later, I remembered that I had taken a photo before that thing killed me, luckily I managed to recover the photo, here it is, something that I almost forgot to say, is that after my cell phone exploded, I tried to take it to get it fixed, but they told me there was no fix, so I put it in a drawer, and every night, I wake up at 3 am because of noises coming from that drawer, I don't have the courage to go see what it is, please, don't get curious, if you don't want to run my fate
(Writte by: Australopithecus fan)