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You may have noticed, but we are rebranding! "Ruby: A RWBY Fangame" is being renamed to "Ruby: Huntress of Vale"! Along with the name and logo changes, there is also UI and other changes coming as well!
Well everyone, this will be the day we've waited for. “Ruby: A RWBY Fangame” v1.7.8 is now released! This is a major content update, with new story, new music, new art, new enemies, and gameplay mechanics. So much so, I made a new Trailer for the game!
We have all been in shock over the recent news that Rooster Teeth is closing down and the future of RWBY's IP is in question. However, despite of recent events, Huntress of Vale will continue to keep moving forward!
Its been a while since I uploaded a video. Been working on some major bug fixes and optimizations. I'm pretty happy with the results!
I have exciting news! Synthetic Onslaught Is getting a revamp! A new Hub area, the return of the Fog of War, new enemies, etc! Read more below:
Remember way back when I experimented with visual novel style cutscenes? Well they are back!! And with backgrounds now too. Part of a new "Prologue Campaign".
New main menu artwork. Totally reminds me of early PS1 RPG with high pre rendered backgrounds and simple 3D characters on top.
Synthetic Onslaught V1.0 Released! Anime RTS made on Clickteam Fusion 2.5!
Re-designing main menu!
Ruby: Huntress of Vale 2.0.11! Added some new combat + defensive options for Yang & Weiss!