Minigame Collection

4 years ago

Tank War is coming soon!

I'm not going to hit my release windows because I've been really busy and haven't been able to work on the game but I did get a good chunk done already so it shouldn't take too long to finish it. I also have to add all of the upgrades too so it might take I little longer than I think. I'm also going to add The menus and stuff in along with adding some new visuals in tank war so I think maybe 2-3 weeks should be enough time to finish all of that. I'll keep everyone updated on the progress!!! I'll also probably make another update log showing some coding and shit. The first dev log should be out soon and I'll make a post and share it.

Talk to everyone soon!



Next up

Oops I accidently made a cool screen saver...

V1.3.0 is out! (3 new maps)

This year?

The first beta is out now!!! Go bug test it!

V1.4.0 is out!

Finished designing the power-ups!

I might have found the dumbest solution to handle ellipse/circle collisions

New map in next update! (Neon)

I'm about to start on the fun stuff!

Line Battle is about 75% done!