Sonic Project Eclipse [ON HOLD]

1 year ago

Team Announcement

I can now officially announce that we have got a fully-fledged team to develop Sonic.EXE: Project Eclipse with!

@Poyomakepe and @NotSoDevyJolt are both filling the shoes for programming the game.

@BECtheGameJolter and @NightAkio_ are both present for creating/editing sprites for use in this game.

As for me, I'm present to contribute ideas for the game overall. And with that, you may call us... the Eclipse Team!

P.S. by Poyomakepe.

We have spots available for spriters and concept artists!

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Next up

A twisted all-star has joined the party!

SonicClone by @NotSoDevyJolt and me

From a corrupted prototype or a rigged item monitor, Puroto serves as the sixth playable character in EXE Mode!

Puroto owned by @NightAkio_


This image is only a concept of the Custom Mode HUD. The final result may be different.

Shadow and Maria having a little stroll

A convenient and safe* way to avoid any dangers

mr hue hues

: Aseprite

: mem16

And while you're waiting for news regarding Project Eclipse, I suggest you take a look at the soon-to-be-released game by @NotSoDevyJolt , who is also involved in the development of Project Eclipse!

"It's alright, kid. I'll take it from here."

"Okay, knock yourself out."

"Wait, why are you saying it like that?"

Top 10 moments taken before disaster.


Happy Retro Video Game Day!

Celebrate your favorite retro game by completing our quest.

It'll be in your quest log until March 10th.

Legacy Update 1.1 Please update