Sonic Sunrise: Reign of the Egghead

8 months ago

Thumbnail by @RelicStar

Okay so here's what's up; I just went back and edited the Team Sunrise application form again, changing the banner and colors and adding more jobs and questions. As always the link to it can be found on Sonic Sunrise's GameJolt game page, but I also linked it here.

As stated in the form I'll be checking the responses throughout the week (I always make sure to check on Fridays) and I'll be emailing everyone who submitted one, so be sure to check your inbox throughout the week!

That being said, have a good one!



Next up

Team Sunrise Application Form Update

Shadow and Maria having a little stroll

Just wanted to practice drawing da hog, I think it went okay. @RelicStar 's concept art for the box art was used as reference for the sketch on the left! | #sonic #sonicsunrise #reignoftheegghead #gamedev #sketch #metroidvania #art

mr hue hues

: Aseprite

: mem16

for those of you who didn’t see, the nintendo switch 2 has officially been revealed!

#nintendo #nintendoswitch #nintendoswitch2 #games #videogames #mario #zelda #pokemon #kirby

@RelicStar just made some beautiful concept art that’ll be used for the box art of Sunrise! Just wanted to share this because of how good it looks! Expect to see the final version soon!

Also logo reveal ig

#sonic #sonicsunrise #reignoftheegghead #art

Our 2024 Advent Calendar has opened! Day 28: @Silentfaith is a great Creator and comic artist who also codes fan games! Accept the quest and give them a follow to get Coins and a seasonal sticker!

A piece of concept art of what the cover of “Sonic Sunrise: Chapter 1” could look like! What do you guys think?