1 year ago

the 5 things that are always on my mind

i don't know why, but they're always there...

at least I like them...

literally the only thing I do is watch YouTube... I need to do more then that...

I like Sonic, I play the games, the fan games, I watch the shows and movies. yes...

I've never played a FNAF game before, but I like to watch others play it, and see the theories. Can't wait to watch the FNAF movie. harharharharhar

the reason Delphox is there for Pokémon is because there are so many Pokémon that it takes way too long for me to choose one and I like so many, so I just chose the one that was in my head at the time.

I has cats so I choose cat for animals. it's a derp.

i did the art
































Next up


favorite fighting game character

this one

I love her

she so sleepy

so cute

didn't expect that one did you?

this game is called, "Them's Fightin' Herds."

also my history with the game, a review of the game, and the character in the pics in article


favorite Sonic character is Tails Doll


i was just talking about this with "someone" yesterday!

Kirby Air Ride 2

it should have online with random people

the town mode was the best mode

i like the check list

this was the best

i like breaking the boxes and getting upgrades and cool stuff

I just talked about Newgrounds in my Sonic Heroes post, and I didn't even know that they made a new Sonic Paradox Shorts yesterday...

it's so good

it's so funny!


there are some jokes that are a little...inappropriate? i think so...

Alligator Gar

the background looked like water, that's the reason why I chose it (got it from a quest)

the art was gonna look a lot different or better?, but I gave up...

i just don't care anymore...

i just used the crayon? chalk? brush and did it quickly

it's Gregory!

i don't know what this is

it's just some australian animated movie with sloths

they literally look like Gregory... but he's a sloth (I think that's a girl)

I made this when I saw this character today


I'm currently playing this game.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.

someone reminded me of this game when they posted about it.


Stop hitting me!

also I prefer you call this type of game an Arcade Racer, and not a Kart Racer.


4 games anticipated


Reach for the Stars!

Happy Birthday Sonic!

i did this today

i took about an hour to an hour and a half


edit: June 27: the 2nd picture is different lighting. is it better then the first one?


my favorite game is Sonic Heroes

i love Sonic Heroes

the background is like Sonic, Tails, & Knuckles' colors

blue, yellow, red

got the background from a quest

i like having backgrounds that fit the post