I've finished the Last Level! one of my Favorite levels from the game, And i'm pretty happy to have the game So close to being finished!
I just have to finish the Ending, and Ending Cinematic, which will require ALOT of animation. It'll be a Nearly 5 Minute scene with all Unique animation.. So it'll be pretty tough to make.
Just a few things i want to say before ending the Dev Log...
Since i finished writing the story for ACT 1, I felt it would be met with a fairly mixed response, so if it comes out, and you don't like it, That's 100% okay with me. I'm pretty happy with it, and how well (in my opinion) it fits with the Rest of Aftermath. All i can say is keep your expectations low lol
everyone who play tested the game so far has been fairly positive, None of them FNaF Fans, so quite a bit of the game confused them, but they seemed to really like what they played (whether or not they were just being nice is up for debate lol)
But all i have to say is, this Act uses a lot of info from the Tales from the Pizza Plex books.
Next up
Monday, 11AM CST!
Happy new year! 2024 Was a pretty great year, hopefully 2025 is as well! (Here's a Unused Teaser for Act 1, Made January 17th 2024)
Thanks for 1,100 downloads of Act 1! The Act 2 Demo releases this sunday!
N3 • The Hospital (W.I.P)
Act 2's Night 3 + 4 are coming soon.. Likely Q1 2025... In the meantime, check out the Act 2 Demo if you haven't already!
New Animatronics & Locations
Runtime: 4h - 5H Total (not including All Endings/Routes)
(DLC coming in February) Yup, this was meant to be 3 + 4...Surprise! Changelog Below
Where it All Began. Here's a video showing off Aftermath in Dreams, as well as some never before seen content, including the Old Main Menu, with the original game title.
There's some Time Stamps in the description!
Only one more teaser before the update! Custom night is finished, now onto the Model Viewer