2 months ago

The funniest video game I've ever watched was Portal 2, nuff said.

Loved watching JackSepticEye's let's play of the game, I can't wait to play it for myself one day




Next up



Huge GIGANTIC thank you to @AntoineVanGeyseghem for gifting me the "Gamers Give Bundle"

These are the first Joltbux related items I've ever gotten. I'll be sure to treasure them forever

And to make matters better, all of the money goes to a good cause

I hope everybody had

A Happy Hanukkah

A Merry Christmas

A Happy Kwanzaa

And most of all

A Happy Joltidays

See you all in the New Year

Thank you so much @IndieFuel for gifting me one final 'Happy Joltiday' pack.

I hope you had a wonderful holiday season, and live to see many more

To wrap up the holiday season, I have gifted all of my Game Jolt friends a "Happy Joltiday" pack (yes, even you @gamejolt )

Gotta keep the Joltiday spirit alive

One last pack until the Joltiday season is over

Hope you had a Happy Joltiday @Acorn_tl1

Thank you @Shew for the Joltiday pack =)

It's good to keep the Joltiday spirit alive, even as it's coming to an end

(As a matter of fact, that gives me an idea )

Damn, the final login streak quest of the year

How many "Login Champion" trophies did y'all manage to get? I got all of them except for January and February. 10/12 ain't bad for my first real year on Game Jolt

Next year, I'm aiming to get all twelve

Thank you for the Spawn Day gift @DEATHDRONE84