You’ve played, experimented with, enjoyed, and given feedback on this crazy crash test that was the beginnings of Optimum Link. And it’s been awesome hearing from everyone and YES, we are working on all the bugs that have been noted!
I can’t be too sure when the next update is going to be released, currently it’s a matter of how much new material to finish and where to cut it off, because there is TONS of new stuff, both content and functionality. We are working towards the eventual goal of releasing the game on Steam and [possibly] platforms like PS4 and Xbox One. But I can tell you for sure 0.3 (or 0.4 might be the next public release, depending on a few things) will be a huge cosmetic update, lots of new graphics, environment detail, ect.
Please stick around because we’re going to start doing weekly live streams while working on the game so you can see it even earlier. Follow my Twitch here:
One last thing - follow our studio on Instagram! (@protoriastudios )
See you all in the next post!