6 months ago

The Ideas I had for a original horror game.

Heya everyone, today I am gonna be telling you all about my ideas I had for a original horror game, so let us begin.


So, as for the name there were a few ideas I had for the name of this game. For example since this is based of COD: Zombies, and L4D2 I wanted to make something fit for this game, and those names I thought of were...

  • The Living Dead

  • Zombapocalypse

  • Rise of the Dead

  • The End is Here

  • Blackdeath

These are some ideas I had back then, but then when looking through the list I was like, "Hm Blackdeath honestly fits for a zombie horror game". And mainly if you don't know I am not trying to reference anything from the Blackdeath from the 1300's. But it could be a virus like the green flu in Left 4 Dead 1 and 2, but that is what I thought of the name. Now as for the name Blackdeath I had idea for the story as well and maybe for the first map as well, but let me tell you what got me inspired to call it Blackdeath.

So, what got me inspired to call it Blackdeath is from a small horror game called Summer of '58. Mainly because of how scary and terrifying how all the kids died when I was watching Dawk play the game. Plus, this is how I came up with the name. And no, Summer of '58 wasn't the inspiration for the story. I'm just getting that question out of the way, but anyways let us now talk about the actual story itself.


Now here is the story of Blackdeath.

			Blackdeath takes place during the early 2000's in the USA. You play as a set crew who was there since the beginning of the apocalypse. And your task is to survive rounds of a horde of the living dead and find out the truth and story about what has happened about the places that you will explore in this apocalypse. Can you survive this zombie apocalypse? Or will you die while trying?

This is what I got so far for the story that is for the game. But as it says this game takes place during the early 2000's, so I would say around 2005 is when the first map takes place in. Now like I said earlier this game will be inspired by both Call of Duty Zombies and Left 4 Dead 2. Here are some examples...

  • Call of Duty Zombies

    • Round Based.

    • Announcer.

    • Power Ups.

    • Perks.

  • Left 4 Dead 2

    • Straight forward story telling.

    • Safe rooms.

    • Objectives.

These are the examples I have that are inspirations from both Call of Duty Zombies and Left 4 Dead 2. But yeah, it is now time to talk about the maps.


So, the maps. Now hear me out maps are the most important things for a game, for example if you're map is good your gonna have a good game, but if you're map is bad then chances are you're game will be bad.

Now some maps ideas or well for the first map It would take place either in the coast of Washington or Oregon. But then I was thinking why not a town or city in the coast of Washington since I have been to those places at times. And mainly because I am from Washington State. And what map ideas I had for this? Well here are some examples...

  • Seattle, Washington

  • Olyimba, Washington

  • Gigs Harbor, Washington

  • Long Beach, Washington

These are examples of towns and cities that are located in the coast of Washington State. But then I was thinking of Gigs Harbor since when looking at the town itself it looks perfect for a map to happen with an outbreak for a zombie apocalypse horror game.

Here is a picture for example of what Gigs Harbor, Washington looks like during the sunset.


As you can see it is a town on the coast of Washington State. And I would really die (not literally) if Gigs Harbor was turned into a zombie map. For example, in Left 4 Dead 2, they turned New Orleans, Louisiana into a zombie map. And as for COD: Zombies they just base IRL locations and make them into a zombie's map. But anyways, I really had these cool ideas where the first map begins and introduction to the story of the game as a whole. Then yet this could be where it spreads first or well where the zombie apocalypse began at is Gigs Harbor, Washington. And it spreads from Gigs Harbor all the way up from there to Seattle, Washington, and down to Lincoln City, Oregon. And all across the states as well. Now let us move on from the maps and talk about a set crew.

Set Crew

So, this is gonna be short but there is a set crew in this unlike Call of Duty the set crew will be more based off the Left 4 Dead series more. Mainly because the stories of L4D's crews are a bit more interesting than COD Zombies' crews but that is my opinion. Anyways here is what I have for a set crew...

  • Alice - Female

  • Jessie - Male

  • Jack - Male

  • Andrew - Male

Those are some ideas of I had of a set crew, now as for their story is still a work in progress. But I'll probably won't give them till I'm ready to reveal their story. Now we move on the last part of the idea, the cost and amount.


Now, for the pricing honestly I was thinking around $10-$20 USD. But then again I was also thinking of making it free too. Same as DLC's they are also gonna be free. Yet again it is an idea so not everything is settled in yet. But yet even though this was short I wanted to say the idea for pricing a game takes time. And not only that it would be a pain to get it up on steam too. For example Steam has to make you pay a fee that's $100-$1,000 USD. So, if this game was a true thing I would upload it to GAMEJOLT and make it a price and when I have enough to save up. I'll put it on Steam, but for now it's just an idea I had.


So, in conclusion I wanted to say that this game was just an idea. And not a real game yet, but I hope ya enjoy the idea and I hope to hear what you all think in the comments down below. Anyways I hope to see ya all next time.




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Just a fanmade logo for FREDDY'S DECEPTION

by @Lysander_Dev and @ThingyMajig

Is that Bailey? And why is he so viciou 👀?


I kinda redid the logo. Kept Bailey's the same but changed Eternal Darkness.

Plus there is now blood behind the words now.


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Teaser by: GIN

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