Fazbear's: Project Storage
3 months ago

The new version has came out, and I finally fixed the fps, the reason why the fps was so bad is because it was on turbo mode on 60 frames per second, you can play it now, knot yourself out...



Next up

"Birth Of The United Protection Agency(UPA)" Chapter 1

New Nightmare Mode is finally out...

"Matelda the Killer" Chapter 4

I found something that might actually be useful to the United Protection Agency(UPA), the Foundation is gonna wanna hear, it could be very, so very useful to all of us indeed...

So very useful to us indeed...

What type of kid would even write this...

Just a little Animation for Theo/Disruption...

Kosoku No Soku - Issue#1

"The Hour Of Revelation" Chapter 3

This is an Animation of Abigail the Bat...

"The Exploration of the Utility Tunnel's" Chapter 2

Just a new jumpscare for Hazel... It feels nice to do something a little more original, right...