As 2018 comes to a close, so too does Ludum Dare 43.
This means we get to finally see just how well our games did!
Out of 1750 total jam submissions (2515 if we throw in Compo entries) Lambastard placed 103rd overall, 94th in the Fun category, and 58th in Mood! As my first game jam ever, I think it goes without saying I’m very happy with these numbers.
Going into this, I didn’t expect to be able to finish a playable game within the time limit, let alone reach the top 100 in any category. 2018 was a year of self-doubt in many ways, but seeing people enjoy the game, even if it’s only a handful of people, it’s a confidence booster for sure. I know I’m late to the party, but now that I know it can be done, I might just join other jams in the future! :)

What’s next for Lambastard?
Short answer, I don’t know. There’s a lot of ways it could go. Upgrades between waves, new levels, new monsters, a story mode with an ending? There’s even potential here for a mobile release. But the only thing I can say for sure is that there will be a post-jam patch sooner or later, that will at the very least include some fixes, adjustments, and a pause button. Past that, it’s hard to say how much time I’ll be investing in this between other priorities, but it’ll always be a good side-project to return to. Until then… Bring them.