Yup, you read that right. See, I've made a realization. I've been making progress on MT GMS2 that I'd be more than happy to show, but doesn't feel right to share in the form of Devlogs. Furthermore, communication between the team behind the game and the players seems pretty important for this kind of online-game. So, I have finally decided that the Discord Server will be returning sometime next week.
Some of you may wonder why I would dare to do this, after the mess that was the server's last public run. But frankly, since then, things have changed. I know now how to actually approach the server. I know how not to let things get to my head now, I know now how strictly to enforce rules (far, far less strictly than before, just so you know).
But most importantly, I'm willing to make the attempt for everyone who, after all this time, still cares about this project. Although it was short-lived, seeing people come together and enjoy their time at Grillby's because of a lazily unfinished BETA release genuinely warmed my heart. To the point I actually recorded a video for this announcement. That clocked in at about an hour. And I don't actually have the patience to edit that down.
Anyhow, as a show of good will, I have unbanned almost everyone who was previously banned. This includes those who I myself had previously banned in the aftermath of the last raid. There are only... about 1-2 bans remaining, both of which are less about petty drama and moreso about straight up illegal activity. Outside of that, I am willing to give everyone a chance as long as they're willing to give me another chance as a server owner.
So yeah, be seeing you soon, hopefully!