[ Underswap ] The Kaboom
1 year ago

there might be a progress report later, maybe soon, maybe not, who knows

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Since it's been a bit since I posted the last thing, take this peek of the intro of the core encounter or smth

Music by Torva, Blaster sprites by k0y and everything else by Dendy

There's more stuff behind but will keep it privat, now bye

Hello hello again kaboomers. Today, just showing you the first test for the overworld, aswell, wanting to show the (maybe) replacement of portrait sprites (the ones that are just thehead)

Kinda based on some rpg games, and that's all, just a quick funfact


[ Underswap: KABOOM ] PROGRESS REPORT - 2024 || New Year, new look 🌟

Look at this single celled organism Isnt he tupid

[ Parmesan encounter - Some info ]

two dangerous buttons

Dont mind me just some dendyposting again

Testing my frame by frame animation skill, im really happy with the result of this one too

Wasnt sure of sharing this here but ill do it anyways
