Hey everyone!
We have just pushed a patch for Verlet Swing that adds a few features and fixes some bugs. Below is a list of changes.
Added a new challenge featuring a third person perspective. Realise your wildest dreams and become Swinger Man for the duration of 27 hand-picked levels!
Finished up the level editor with a sleek new user interface and the ability to spawn physics based objects!
The meatballs on level 50 (Cream Sauce) no longer spawn inside the walls.
The Twitch challenge leaderboards should now work as intended.
The Swing Counter challenge no longer shows the number of swings as milliseconds.
Some other tiny stuff.
We looked into the issue where the snowballs on level 31 (High Ground) aren’t deterministic (they go slightly different each time the level is played). Unfortunately, fixing this issue would require that the snowballs would have to spawn roughly half a second later than currently. This would make the current world record on that level unbeatable, which is why we decided not to fix it.
Thanks a ton to everyone who is playing the game, the great response we have received is very appreciated! <3
Note: None of these features are available in the Gamejolt demo. Get the full game here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/811870/Verlet_Swing/