So apparently there’s an amazing animator called ENDERTRAPCO who used to work with Jaze Cinema by making animations which took more than 30 hours to make and at a certain point those guys from that famous channel got soo jealous over the fact that ENDERTRAPCO was helping other Cinema channels and the ones from Jaze Cinema started stabbing him in the back by constantly striking his videos like they belonged to them when they weren’t and they managed to get his channel unfairly terminated only because he was working with those other channels which is seriously infuriating, i seriously can’t believe Jaze Cinema did such a thing. Here’s the screenshot of ENDERTRAPCO's experience with those horrible shitheads from Jaze Cinema:

This really angers me a lot because the poor guy made a lot of fantastic animations that i wish i watched before his channel got terminated but thankfully he made a new one and it would make me and him happy if you could subscribe and help him out.
His new channel now called TRAP STUDIOS: