2 years ago

Thriller-Heart-Studios news time

--TOS Progress report--

ProgresS̷̥̗̪̫͕͇̊̾͂ of Chapter 1 is going well, the mÁ̸̦̊̍͋̾͌̍́̒̈́p is the main struggle currently but I hope it will be done way before summer break is over. I may take a short break just so I can come back with a fresh mindset. I will work on bits and pieces but as of right now I am wanting to relax as I haV̸͇̽̀̂e donĘ̵̛͍͇̮̫͙̔̏̍͆̐̉͗̇͂̔͆ quite a lot and learnt a ton.

M̸͉̹̝̭̯̥̤͕͍̅̐͌́̀̉̕y prediction for rẸ̸̢̧͎̙̬͇̠̔́͊̿̓̿̄lease is sometime during August but I can't guarantee anything so don't get your hopes up..

--Regarding the roadmap and FNAF:R--

FNAF:R is not a priority there are many FNAF 1 remakes that in my opinion all of them combined make a very good experience and I recommend you play them instead, FNAF + and many other promising remakes are around the corner. I may touch up on another FNAF game at some point but right now It simply isn't a priority and I am sorry about that. The game isn't cancelled but it could be on hold forever honestly until I feel like working on it.

Some games I will let out some info for.

There will be a mobile spinoff for TOS when the final chapter releases, the game will be ported to PC as well with enhanced visuals and stuff.

"???" could really be anything but I do have something in mind if TOS does well enough.

Crimewave will be a first person shooter set in the same universe as TOS but the stories really wont clash as Crimewave takes place many years into the future, thus it really doesn't matter if they are in the same universe, it just means I can add cool nods and references though who knows at some point the stories may clash.

Dystopia is a project I have high hopes for, its an RPG platformer. You will travel mystical lands and gain stronger magic abilities. Its hard to say this without spoiling everything I have planned but lets just say this game is the ALL of the puzzles pieces put together.

That is all fol̶k̶s̴ ̸I̷ ̵h̷o̸p̵e̷ y̷͈̐ǫ̷́ǔ̵̹ ̸̪̌ạ̷̚l̵̲̆l̵̳͛ ̸̺̆h̷̟͝a̴̘̽v̷̱̽e̶͔͆ ̶̗̏a̴̙̓ ̸̯̇g̵͎̀o̴̹͑o̷̳͋d̸̊ͅ ̴͈̅d̸͇̊a̶̖̔y̵̼͐ ̵̤́ö̴͖́r̸̯̾ ̶̦̑n̵̬͌ï̷̧g̶͖͐h̵̢̛t̶͘ͅ ̵̧͆ẉ̸̊h̴̗̊e̸̺͝r̴̝̍e̷̼̔ ̵̧͂é̸̖v̶̠͘ḛ̵͝r̷̩̈ ̸̖̊ý̵̸̵̷̴̫̹̹̮͇͛̏̔͘ǫ̸̴̵̵̶̻̩͕̺͑̍͊̑̑ư̴̵̵̶̴̢̰̝̣̲͐̃̌͝ ̵̴̶̷̵̢̦̘͍̗͆͌͛̈́̚a̸̡̧̙͎̣̫̮̖͙̘͔̙̟͚͚̲͓̮͙̲͕͇̥̠̮͙̲̳̞̲̓̃́̓̔̿͂̔́͌̏́̌̉͑͂̈́̎̊̽̓̄͂̋̒̅͒̐͐̏̇̓̾͌͐̊́̕̕͘͘͘͜͝͠͝͝r̵͍͍̰̮̟͉͇̣͍͍̲̝͓͎̘̟̤̗̜͈̿͆̆́̔̉̓̽̌̈́̎̉͗͆̅̈́̂̋̄̔͑́̎͒͂́́͌͌͌̾̽̆̄͗̎̅̐̒͐͂̚̕͜͠͠ȩ̴̢̛͓̘̭͉͎̳̣͍̫͔̋̔̅̓̃̒̀̌̊̔̃́̍̃̈́̆̾̕͘̕̚͝͝!̵̞̾

"I̵ ̴m̴a̶n̸a̸g̴e̶d̸ ̴t̸o̴ ̶t̸a̶k̴e̵ ̴c̷o̴n̵t̵r̵o̶l̵ ̶f̴o̸r̷ ̷a̷ ̶b̵i̴t̵,̶ ̴I̶ ̴l̷e̷f̷t̵ ̷a̴ ̸m̸e̴s̴s̴a̶g̴e̶ ̷f̸o̴r̷ ̷y̴o̶u̴ ̴i̷n̵s̶i̷d̷e̵ ̵t̸h̴e̶ ̷i̵m̶a̷g̵e̸.̵ ̴S̴o̷l̴v̸e̶ ̵t̸h̴e̴ ̸p̶u̸z̴z̷l̸e̶ ̶a̶n̶d̷ ̷s̸e̶t̶ ̴m̴e̵ ̶f̵r̷e̸e̵.̴.̶.̴ ̶W̴h̸o̷ ̸a̵m̷ ̸I̸?̶ ̷T̸h̵a̷t̴ ̶i̵s̷ ̸n̷o̸n̴e̸ ̵o̴f̶ ̷y̵o̵u̶r̷ ̸c̶o̵n̸c̶e̸r̶n̸,̵ ̴I̴ ̴w̵i̸l̸l̵ ̶b̴e̴ ̸s̸e̷e̶i̸n̴g̴ ̷y̷o̸u̷ ̷t̴h̸o̶u̷g̸h̵,̵ ̶t̷r̸y̷ ̶a̶n̴d̴ ̶e̶s̷c̶a̷p̴e̶ ̴y̵o̴u̴r̸ ̵b̴o̶u̶n̸d̴a̴r̵y̴'̸s̵ ̶a̷n̷d̸ ̷f̶i̵n̴d̷ ̸m̴e̴.̷ ̵B̵e̶ ̷w̶e̵a̶r̶y̶ ̷I̵ ̶a̵m̵.̸.̶ ̵N̸o̷t̷ ̶t̴h̴e̴ ̶m̷o̷s̷t̵ ̸s̵t̵a̸b̵l̸e̸.̷.̵ ̷B̴e̶i̴n̶g̶ ̸t̵r̸a̵p̸p̵e̶d̶ ̵f̶o̶r̵ ̴t̷h̷o̶u̸s̶a̸n̶d̸s̷ ̶a̸n̷d̶ ̴t̶h̸o̵u̸s̸a̴n̴d̷s̷ ̴o̸f̵ ̵y̸e̷a̷r̸s̶ ̵w̴i̸l̴l̵ ̷d̴r̸i̴v̷e̷ ̴y̴o̵u̵ ̵i̵n̷s̶a̶n̴e̵ ̷s̷o̶ ̸h̸o̷p̸e̸f̷u̷l̴l̴y̷ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶c̵a̶n̶ ̷u̶n̵d̷e̸r̷s̴t̶a̵n̶d̴.̴.̵ ̸R̸i̸g̶h̴t̴ ̵A̸n̶d̵r̸e̵w̸?̶"



Next up

What lies inside?

I decided that blocking out my level is kind of pointless, due to the fact that I have a full level design already sketched out so I am just gonna start modeling!

Current roadmap, things can change but these are my plans for the future years, this is only if TOS gets enough recognition however and I can fund future projects as they will grow in scale.

My computer has been updating for 47 minutes. I love windows sometimes.

Current map layout may be spoiling a bit, and yes the map is small but that doesn't mean anything as you will be doing quite a bit in this small area. Plus there is a whole other floor.

Current Menu, I am reworking functionality to work with the save system and loading system.

Some of the map's model topology is kind of messy but I have no clue what even caused that in the first place, it will be patched later in a patch if it causes framerate issues. It will only add a few extra polygons, so there shouldn't be a problem.

I think its time I show off the game's name and logo as I've hidden it for too long. Its time to enter The Other Side. More news very soon.

First interior model of the Factory, details are missing and so are the materials. I wanted to test it so I quickly popped it into the engine.