Tonight around 9pm EST, I am streaming CRUSH artwork. I'll be redesigning one of the arenas. https://www.twitch.tv/saltandpixel
Next up
SCP 049 Breach
Arena A art for CRUSH is finished. Now on the Arena B
Custom Wrestling Toys in my Etsy shop!!! https://saltandpixel.etsy.com
I'm building a modern version of Annihilator for PCs. Join my newsletter to stay updated: https://zc.vg/hrVkA
I started a Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/saltandpixel) and you can now access all my games (including CRUSH) for $5/month. Read the article for more information.
Hey Everyone!
@toborprime released Savage: The Shard of Gosen as early access. (https://store.steampowered.com/app/408060/SAVAGE_The_Shard_of_Go…) Seriously, this is a game you need to get. It's an action platormer with some really good art and rpg elements.
Last night's stream was productive.
I've decided to put a lot of focus on next year to creating my own web app arcade. Games that you can install on your PC or Mobile, direct from my website. I have 4 games available right now. https://saltandpixel.com/arcade-beta-v1-1
A little stupid thing I'm working.