7 years ago

TUNNEL DIVERS will be released on July 6th

Hi! Here’s a release date for you. Once the summer sale has passed, I’d like to release this game and call it finished for now.

I have a few ideas for content updates, but I think the game is in a really good spot for release so I’d rather do that first before breaking something.

I’m not expecting a huge rush of players, but it’d be certainly be cool to see one. I enjoyed making this game and I learned a lot, so whatever happens I’ll be okay with it. I’m happy to just have 2 games on the market instead of just one, and it makes me feel a lot less like a one trick pony.

Thank you all who have all helped test the game. On GameJolt, I’m just going to go ahead and mark this as a complete game now.



Next up

Boring Man v2.0.0 beta15 is now available: New Weapons, New Maps, Survival changes, and more!

TUNNEL DIVERS v0.9.0 is now available

TUNNEL DIVERS v0.9.1 is now available

Boring Man v2.0.0 beta14 will be available July 19th

A Tunnel Divers gather is now starting!

TUNNEL DIVERS v0.8.2 is now available + Gather is coming

Boring Man v2.0.0 beta17 is now available

Achievements, stats and lore.. oh my!

GIFs from the gather

Boring Man v2.0.0 beta14 is now available: New weapons, gamemodes, features