7 years ago

TUNNEL DIVERS will be released on July 6th

Hi! Here’s a release date for you. Once the summer sale has passed, I’d like to release this game and call it finished for now.

I have a few ideas for content updates, but I think the game is in a really good spot for release so I’d rather do that first before breaking something.

I’m not expecting a huge rush of players, but it’d be certainly be cool to see one. I enjoyed making this game and I learned a lot, so whatever happens I’ll be okay with it. I’m happy to just have 2 games on the market instead of just one, and it makes me feel a lot less like a one trick pony.

Thank you all who have all helped test the game. On GameJolt, I’m just going to go ahead and mark this as a complete game now.



Next up

TUNNEL DIVERS v0.9.0 is now available

TUNNEL DIVERS v0.8.2 is now available + Gather is coming

TUNNEL DIVERS v0.8.3 is now available

Boring Man v2.0.0 beta15 is now available: New Weapons, New Maps, Survival changes, and more!

GIFs from the gather

TUNNEL DIVERS v0.9.1 is now available

TUNNEL DIVERS v0.9.2 is now available

Achievements, stats and lore.. oh my!

Winter holiday event is live / beta14c is now available

TUNNEL DIVERS is released