
10 months ago

UNDERSWAP: ECHOED - 2024 May Devlog

( Art by @butter-bee )

Hi! Sorry for the long wait.

Like I said in one of the last posts, I've finished the new engine for this game near the start of the year. Since then I've been re-doing everything we had before, which is actually going really well. I've even done some things I never got around to doing before. We've made a good amount of progress on rooms, not a whole bunch on cutscenes but still some, etc. Most of what you'll see in this devlog is a lot of music and coding related stuff, but there'll also be a bit of...



I don't think I'll be showing many sprites this devlog, but we have actually been getting a really good amount of sprites done. Enemy and NPC concepts / sprites have been done, there's been a good amount of work on battle sprites, miscellaneous / object stuff and more... For now I'll just be showing a few sprites of enemies we've already shown.


While most of Undertale's enemies won't appear as random encounters, I think its probably worth pointing out that some of them might still appear as NPCs somewhere, e.g. Froggit. Almost all of the other enemies you'll see in the Gardens are gonna be pretty much completely new enemies though.

We've also been changing some older sprites to fit more with the style the game is going for, the designs, etc.


Asgore's sprites felt a bit too slim and inaccurate to his appearance in Undertale / Deltarune so his sprites ended up being changed eventually to use less different colors, look wider/bigger, and to just look better in general.



We also have some more music to upload for this devlog. Everyone working on the music for this project has been doing a really good job and things have been going pretty well. These are the three new songs we're uploading for now.

Enjoy ๐ŸŽ‰

(A remake of one of the songs we've already uploaded before, "Uwa!! So Soothe โ™ซ"!)

(The main theme for the Gardens, this fangame's "Ruins" replacement!)

(A completely new track that'll play at the very start of the game!)



Working with the new engine has actually made things a LOT easier to manage and stuff. And since we're here, I'd like to talk a bit about a few coding-related things I've been doing.


I've made some major changes to the localization system for the new engine, but I won't go too much into detail. Though, when the demo releases, I hope it should be good enough that maybe things like fan translations can be possible. We may or may not try to work on official translations sometime after it does, but I'm not entirely sure if we'd be able to get a whole lot of languages done anytime soon, if any at all. So if there's a specific language that's not in the game, and there's anyone out there who would want to make their own fan translations for people, I'm trying to make sure that would be possible now. ๐Ÿ‘

Gamepad Support

Gamepad support is also something I've implemented into the game! You'll be able to change some of the controls and stuff in the settings menu.



I've mostly finished the main menu aside from a small bit of stuff relating to the settings menu's options, missing assets, etc. Like I mentioned at the start of the devlog, work on rooms has been going well. Since the rooms we already had before are being remade anyway, some of the more outdated rooms (mainly the rooms for floor 1) have been / are being revamped to look better, somewhat larger.. have new, better puzzles, etc... We've also been working a bit on the random enemy encounters and their attacks.



And that's the end of the devlog. ๐Ÿˆ

Hopefully this makes up for the wait. We were planning to have the devlog a few months earlier but it was somewhat delayed. Fortunately though that did give us some time to actually progress and have more content for it. It'll likely be a while before the next devlog after this one, so until then, goodbye ๐Ÿ‘‹


( Artwork for the devlog's art / music sections were done by @mono_chrome and @butter-bee ! )



Next up

UNDERSWAP: ECHOED - 2024 September.

Short Update

UNDERSWAP: ECHOED - 2023 December Devlog

Music, Coding, and more.

(Art by butterbee)

We're working very hard on the project

Small Update



Undertaleโ€™s 9th anniversary? Gee willikers!

Not the kind of post I'd usually make, but it'd be really cool if any of you could check this game out. At the moment it's only a demo, but it's still very much worth playing. Click the link below !!


Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it!!!

(Voice acting by @mono_chrome !)