Here's a small list of what we will be showcasing today!
-Ethan's Sprites
-Ethan's Running Sprites + Promo Art
-Flowey's Sprites
-Ruins Enemies Sprites
-New OST
-NPC Reveals
-Concept Art
-Oldest version of the Ruined Citadel
-New Members
-Underreport + Trailer!
-Future Plans
Let's begin, shall we?
-Ethan's Sprites
As you can see, we decided to tweak Ethan's sprites to lower the colour count of their sprite, to match Undertale's Style a little more! The walking animations stay the same but for these tweaks!

-Ethan's Running Sprites + Promo Art
Additionally to our protagonist, we gave them running sprites in all directions, to make them more alive ingame!

Additionally, as part of an improvement for the game page, Peterson_Drawn made this epic looking Ethan promo art!

-Flowey's Sprites
Oh, and of course, our favourite evil plant is back in this project too as teased by the 100 followers on the team account! We're giving him different sprites for each area (except for the Ruins, where he'll remain vanilla, so we're showing off Snowdin's.)

-New Ost
And by extension, wouldn't it make sense to have his OST as part of the devlog too? Will be released as soon as the devlog comes out!
-NPC Reveals
We have kept working on new NPCs to provide with life to the Ruins section! Both having known species and new ones!

-Concept Art
The team has also kept working on making concepts for rooms that will be featured in the Ruins!

-Oldest Ruined Citadel Version.
I couldn't help but want to show you all the oldest version of the Ruined Citadel we made back when the project had just started development around half year ago, just want you all to know this is OUTDATED and the newest iteration is way more pleasant to the eye!

-New Members
I'd like to thank Alix, Paul Tarsus and Bruh_Guy for deciding to join us in this adventure, who decided to help us out with their drawing, music and writing skills respectively!
Coding has been going slow, but we expect that after Christmas we'll be able to pick up back the rhythm we had to finish up the engine!
Writing, on the other hand, has been going smooth! Not much progress was done due to mostly everything being finished already last month!
-Underreport + Trailer!
That's right! We will be part of the Underreport even hosted by @Kanashiiii, with a trailer that will also be uploaded to Youtube in our own channel...
-Future Plans
For now, we have plans on a game page rebrand with better visuals done by our concept artists in the near future, that'll be when we decide to open our YouTube channel and start uploading the OST there! (By the way, our YouTube is linked in the description!)
That's all for today, or tonight...or whatever time it is for you! We'll meet again in December, everyone!
But also, before finishing off, I would like to thank you all for the support I have received due to the disaster that my town has had last month, it means a lot to see many kind people sharing the word and coming here to help us clean and bring supplies, thank you everyone.
-Tomato, Team Dark Legend's Director.