Hey guys!
We promised to keep you updated with a montly devlog and we weren't lying about it.
We have some great news and bits of information to share with you, so let's get to the good stuff!
We would like to introduce you a new awesome character that you'll meet in Chapter 2.

You've already seen him at the beggining of this post, but this is Snitch, a friendly adorable little ghost! He will help you in your adventure through the Dark Forest.
You'll learn a lot more about his backstory in Chapter 2, so stay tuned!
Just like we previously mentioned, Chapter 1 is being completly rebuild from scratch, now in UNDERTALE style.
If you played the original demo, there's a remarkable character that was pretty funny and hated puzzles.
That's right, we're talking about Cooper.
Not only he'll still be in Chapter 1, but his animation style was also redesigned, take a look!

So you're probably wondering how much longer will it take for ous to let you play this.
And altough it is still really soon to tell, there is another thing that we can tell you.
We can tell you that, if you don't consider the bug polishment that will have to be done later on in development, Chapter 2 is already done halfway through.
Not only that, but Chapter 1 is already pretty much fully remade, with the exception of some minor bugs and some sprites that still need to be finished.
We really appreciate all the support that you gave us when you heard about Undertale Green's returning, and we promise to deliver a great experience for you all to enjoy.
Also, this happened during spriting:

See you later, guys! <3