Undertale Green

5 years ago

UNDERTALE GREEN - May 2020 Monthly Devlog

We know you've been waiting for more Undertale Green news, and the main reason why we haven't given them to you yet is because development this month has been going a bit slower than usual.

Nonetheless, progress is being made and, since we haven't shown you anything about the Clockwork Facility besides Ticker, it's about time to do so.

Let's get started with the news, then!


This is what you've already seen at the top of the devlog.

The Clockwork Facility has a high security system, and these deadly sawblades will be an obstacle to Cody and Undyne.


We'll be handling overworld hazards the same way we did in Chapter 1. The sawblades will work like the lasers, which means hitting one of those pointy objects will send Cody to the start of the screen.

It might sound scary at first, but it's not that bad compared to the speed of those sawblades during a Genocide run :)


We might not always reply, but we read every piece of criticism we recieve about our game. We've taken what you've said into consideration and we'd like to present you the list of changes coming for the first two chapters:

  • Snitch's final attack: That final Chapter 2 Genocide attack was definetely unfair. There was little to zero room to adjust yourself while still trying to move. That being said, we increased the spacing between the deadly zones. We intend for Genocide to be hard and challenging, but it shouldn't be unfair at any point. After all, our goal is for you to have fun :)

  • Asgore's puzzle: This was probably the thing that you guys complained about the most, and we have to agree. That puzzle is very frustrating, annoying and feels out of place. We won't be removing it from the game, but we'll be making it a lot easier. The poisition of the tiles will be rearanged, which means you'll be able to solve it in just a few moves. It's also a great thing for speedrunners!

  • Blind Ghost now flees: Yes, ghosts don't die. And the fact that Blind Ghost does doesn't make any sense. So we're obviously changing it.

  • Pressing Enter in battles: This is more of a bug fix, but a lot of people were getting stuck at the first Undyne encounter because they didn't know you needed to press Z. Now you can press both :)

  • Brand new Cody sprites: Some of you might have noticed it, a new Cody animation has already been implemented, as you can see at the top of the devlog.


We can't thank you enough for all the suport.

We obviously have a lot to thank to Merg, since he was the one who made this game "famous".

But thank you for sticking around.

We promise to deliver an amazing Chapter 3, longer than any individual chapter before it , and better than the ones you've already played.

We'll see you next month <3




Next up

Looking for artist to join the team + GOOD NEWS for Undertale Green!

HAPPY HOLIDAYS - From the Undertale Green Team!


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