Undertale Orange

18 days ago

Undertale Orange Devlog 8

Hello everyone! Big news tonight!


The Demo's puzzles are done! In the two weeks between today and the previous devlog, some problems with the code appeared that we were not aware of before. But these have been fixed and alongside them, the finished puzzles! Here are some real gameplay excerpts :



Music's stagnating as always, I'm sad to report. We hope we can really spend some time into it soon or find someone to help us out with it, but not much to talk about for now.


Battletest is the name of a little Gamemaker project where we try out and figure out functions of the battle system. Least to say, it is an absolute nightmare to code in and work on. And hence, the battle system is going to be delayed for a little while more. Despite this though, it is only one of the *few* features that we haven't implemented yet! Which means that we're closer to the demo than we've ever been before!

See you all in a couple weeks more! Hopefully we'll have figured out battletest by then!



L'amore che muove il sole e le altre stelle. L'odio che ti tiene in vita, qualunque cosa accada. Determinazione.

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Next up

Undertale Orange Devlog 6.5

Inventory's working wonders! Ignore the placeholder names for the Development Items! We swear they're not in the final game.

Short recording and peek into the intro! It doesn't cut off in the middle, it was a small showcase of the skip!

noelle joined

New thumbnail!

Undertale Icebound: Blossoming bravery.

Undertale Orange Devlog 9

All routes writing's more and more complete each day! Only a few kinks and plot holes to figure out before it's done.



New Tileset working wonders in the Dev Room!