Hello there, been some time since I said anything about this game huh, and you might have noticed that my username is different from last time, this is completely normal don't worry, Planepgear Games is now my game dev name (assuming I'll do more games...).
I won't do a large panel explaining why I suddenly got motivated to continue this game, in fact, I don't really know why.
Anyways, here's what's coming:
-Motif change
-Custom title screen
-Widescreen support
-Game intro (will be uploaded in HD on youtube, because the video MUST be compressed within MUGEN)
-More characters (of course)
-More stages (always)
-Removing dupe characters (i.e, Super Mario will stay but characters like Poc-Mario will be removed, echo characters like Symbiote Super Mario will stay)
-Removing characters that cannot be killed or that cannot play outside of training
-Crediting people who made the characters
-Maybe some more stuff
-Finishing that game, if I don't procrastinate it shouldn't be long
I look forward to releasing the final version, I know you wanted it since a loooooooooooong time, I promised it once but never released so here I am 5 years later after promising that, telling you that I will release it. When ? I don't know, someday.
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