At 2013, I started this game wanting to do a simple homage to the classic arcade “TIGER HELI”, made by Toaplan.
So, I started to plan a simple story to introduce the context, a reason for war. With a script ready, the next step was to draw the pieces for the game: machines, environment, interfaces and all of those things we love. For this, I used my preferred virtual tool: MS Paint Brush :) For simple pixel art, it is invincible.
I invited a friend called EULER MOISÉS, a great regent musician, and he made a marvelous arrange for the main theme of “TIGER HELI”. The results are impressive!
At that same year I’d ready the first map level, three aerial enemies, two ground enemies and a lot of destructable scenario assets.
But I stopped the game production because at those days, I’d not enough know-how to do.
I asked for permission to Nino Megadriver, the leader of a gamemusic heavy metal band called Megadriver. he given me permission to use the music too.
This game will be cool!
With this Game Jam 33, now is the time to show what I can do!