Hey folks! after a long wait 1.3 is finally here! This is(hopefully) the last minor update before the next major update, that will bring a new stage, a new champion, and tons of new cards!
Now for what you came here for...

Paracoins are usable now! you can use them to buy special cards in the card store!
A new area of the map was added, along side two more ponies to battle.
A new portion of the story was added!
All cards received a slight visual change.
Speaking of visual change, the easter egg card was re-worked!
Theres 6 hidden item around the maps, good luck finding em ;)
Princess Twilight's team is slightly different now
No more attacker only teams! now you NEED a leader on the team otherwise the game won't let you progress!
Also you can only have 1 leader on the team otherwise the game won't let you progress!
On that a brand new event is in!

With it, theres 6 new cards and a hole lot of battles to face!
Also yes, that does mean the Travelling mare event is no longer available, and you can only get her on the special cards store!

King sombra was completely rebalanced!
HP from 1600 was nerfed to 1314
AB from 23 was buffed to 31
AC from 5 was buffed to 8
FC from 16 was buffed to 22
MD from 19 was buffed to 20
BD from 27 was nerfed to 21
PR from 6 was nerfed to 5
RG from 58 was nerfed to 22
Flame Walker Jack was nerfed!
PR from 10 was nerfed to 7
Buffed skills :
Hook Kick
Butterfly Kick
Force Blast
Vanishing Ball
Fire Breath
Future Prediction
Nerfed skills :
Hoof Slap
Double Kick
Mach Kick
Ferosious Strike
Do keep in mind that these stats are for the cards at 6 stars!
Character specific stamps were HEAVYly nerfed!

Fixed a bug were players could get into the dev room >:o
Fixed Spoiled Rich PR being waaaaay to high at 6 stars
Fixed skill "Energy Barrier" as it didn't had a cooldown
Fixed card pack animations not working!
Aaaan thats it, thank you guys for your patience, and i see you all in the next update 0/
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