Update 1
So me and my partner in crime have been trying to debug Starkid Fighters. Anyone who has played the game knows about the nasty freezing bug. We’ve tried just about everything. I thought I’d fixed it when I applied a patch to Unity, but it looks like that didn’t help. Unity Answers still hasn’t moderated my question about it, so that’s still fruitless. I’m sure we’ll get it eventually…
Anyways, here are the latest changes:
• New separate menu for options in the menu.
• New wave types. (Oooh, secrets!)
• You now regain all shield units after completing a round.
• Tweaked boost mechanic.
And the obligatory screeny:

And the video, if you haven’t already seen it:
>>> Play Starkid Fighters Now!
>>> Starkid Fighters Devlog on TIGForums
>>> Music by Spiderpeace