Undertale Yellow - Dual [A vengeance/genocide Starlo fight]
4 months ago

UPDATE 2.0.0

(i basically reworked like 80% of the attacks)

I changed too much stuff to list them all here, but here are the more notable ones:

  • Added screen borders,

  • Removed the stun mechanic and replaced it with the wind soul mechanic,

  • RED attacks' indicators are now red as well,

  • Rewrote the in-battle dialogue,

  • Changed the cutscene dialogue a bit,

  • Changed like 80% of the attacks,

  • A lot of attacks can now be cheesed (as is the undertale yellow way.),

  • All of Starlo's bullet visuals/sounds have been replaced with the silver ammo ones,

  • Improved a lot of attack visuals,

  • Removed the battle intro,

There's more things that can be improved in this game but i just wanna move on to another project.

The installer versions of the game will be replaced with ZIP ones later.

Unless any serious bugs come up i'm not updating this game again.



Next up

Thank you guys for 100 followers (nice).

For this occasion you can have a more interesting gif, oooo what could it all meaaaannnn ooooooooo

[The Starlo sprite is made by Ari.]


We're (still) looking for spriters.

If you're interested add me as a friend on gamejolt.

At the moment applications are: Closed

Also, phase 1 is getting a bit of a rework and is definitely looking better than ever.



HTML build coming soon.

Linux build coming later (if it'll work).

If the 32/64 bit version causes issues for people i'll upload a 64 bit only version aswell.

Thanks for waiting. And...i guess have fun.

TS!UNDERSWAP Demo v2.0.0 Released

We're looking for spriters!

At the moment the applications are: Closed

Watch the whole thing it's not just text.

Message me on gamejolt if you're interested (i mean send me a friend request).


Dev Update - April 2024

We're looking for spriters (again)

+ new fight intro (nice)

Add me as a friend on gamejolt if you're interested.


200 followre

what could the image mean ooooooo

Dev Update - December 2024

The game got a new thumbnail/header thanks to @Dark_Haos !

And the 3rd image, well you can probably figure out what that one is for.

(The next (probably last) update will change quite a lot of things so yeah.)