-Crafting and Inventory Changes-
The Crafting and Inventory has a new design for slots and overall look of it and reorganize button has been added to inventory to help reorganize the inventory when clicked.
(Before Update Crafting/Inventory Pic)

(After Update)

Skillbar also got changes to the icons and design of it.
-Health Bar-
Along with these updates, a health bar has been added that can be dragged around to put in the position you want. I still have to implement further changes like dmg to the player and items that give hp back to the player. But the overall design for it is done!
-Currency PXCoins-
I added a new type of currency which is called “PXCoins” with these coins you will be able to buy certain items from cities/towns which will allow you buy useful items. (Cities and Towns still need to be added but will be shown in the near future.:))
-Disabled All In Game Shadows for Better Game Performance-
Removed all in-game shadows to improve FPS for smoother gameplay.
-Bug Fixes-
Fixed Items description not showing up when hovered over in inventory.
Blocks drop much faster when destroyed instead of falling really slow.
Fixed issue where “Reorganize” button wouldn’t work.