Next up
testing boss battle.
character select screen (Tela de seleção de personagens)
power ups on the right ( power ups na direita da tela)
spaceships stats on the center( stats da nave ao centro da tela)
P = points (used to buy power ups)
P = pontos ( usado para comprar power ups)
Developing a shmup game.
Under Development
What was developed?
4 spaceships
4 types of enemy (including 1 sub boss)
some background assets.
Next Steps :
Make Menu, character/mission selection, a complete level to test.
Languages: English, PT-BR.
Family band complete!
Strange Umbrella
Check out this NPBR cyberpunk character model by Glyong E!
If you have more of an acquired taste, the restaurants in Niravasi have you covered! Maybe skip the salad bar, though.