Hey there everyone!
Crystal the Witch has just been updated to v2.0. This is a minor, but also a major update… as Crystal is now available for mobile! This is likely to be the last update for this fun little project. If you haven’t had the opportunity to play it yet, I hope you’ll give it a try and enjoy your time!
Thank you to those that have played, and even left their feedback, already. It has been really valuable to hear your thoughts and opinions! ♡
This update brings improvements to the PC builds made while updating specific elements for a mobile release. And of course, the mobile release. PC and Mobile should play and look almost identical.

UI & Menus reworked
Several new text box appearances have been added, delivering a more immersive impact on scenes by limiting distraction
Image messages now appear as dialogue alongside the image, allowing text to be read clearly and quickly, whilst also allowing those that require self-voicing to understand.
Crystal’s cauldron CG now covers the screen
Minor animation and transition additions
Text size has been increased to increase legibility
Bigger sized versions of Crystal now rest at the bottom of the screen correctly
Brightened darker themed CG for better visibility on low brightness displays
Updated font across menus
Due to the short nature of the game, some unused options have been removed to reduce clutter
Minor grammatical errors have been fixed
The game will now run in mobile and tablet mode
A few new sfx have been added.

You can download the Android version on gamejolt already! Simply select the drop down icon beside the download button, and download the .apk file. Please note, you may have to enable unknown apps to be installed on your android device.
If you prefer to get your games more easily on Google Play, Crystal is also now on the Play Store!
Work is finally beginning on the next project, Kensik, so please look out for updates soon if you're interested in what's happening next!