V0.16(Pre - Alpha)
Lots of improvements, fixes, and 2 new animatronics!
New stuff
-Imported the Bonnie model including a rig (since some people voted to add Bonnie first)
-Imported the Chica model including a rig
-Added a “featured” stage in the test level
-Changed dash to be double tap shift and slide to be ctrl
-Made the shitpistol slightly better (one bullet now does the same damage as the deagle bullets)
-Deleted and improved some model materials
-Changed death screen
-Changed the buttons for switching weapons to the top number keys instead of the numpad
-Removed the 50 kill win (it’s not needed when testing)
-Made the music loop
-The endo can now run and attack at the same time
-Changed the regeneration to be smooth
Bug fixes
-Fixed/improved most of the on tick code (nodes reduced from 11 to 5)
-The endo now applies damage the right way
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