Changes & Fixes Include:
Lobby & Daycare Lighting Overhaul, Better Lighting Quality, Fixed the Grainy Lighting & Muddy reflection issues.
Improved Flashlight Visibility: 3X more Bright, 60% Less Fog
Various Changes to multiple maps, making findings where you're supposed to go in places easier, Especially in the Chases.
Including Revamped models in the Daycare.
Cursor will now disappear after exiting a Point and Click section, Main Menu or Death Screen
Fixed Grainy Intro Text
Reworked FSR Modes "Performance," and "ultra Performance,"
For those who dont Know how FSR Works, it downscales your Set Resolution, then Upscales it to your display. Example: Using "Performance" with a 1080P Monitor will have the game running at 480P, then Upscale it to 1080P to display on your monitor.
If You get choppy text or Models, raise your FSR Quality until it disappears.