This is technically the 7th iteration of the demo. Here’s a list of the few bits and pieces I’ve tweaked, as always I’m eager for suggestions and comments. Oh, and if for some reason the demo doesn’t work, it’d be hugely appreciated if someone could give me a lil nudge.
Thanks, and enjoy!
reduced download file size by 130mb (approx)
dialogue font size increased 1 point
menu/save menu font size increased 2 points
fixed missing animation on 2 item chests
fixed item message in Sublevel 32 Maintenace
changed ‘skip text’ button from “shift” to “A” to remove chance of accidentally skipping text.
lowered enemy “Possession Enforcer” defence stat
increased maglev scroll/movement speed
improved placing of several dialogue boxes
Known issues remaining
Stealth section: on one, very rare occasion, the patroling Enforcer detects the player even when not in LOS.
-‘dead space’ on Bailey 86 map, top right.