Good people of Game Jolt… We’re back with some news.
First of all, a substantial update to Minotaur demo for PC and Mac is now available. It’s now v. 0.2 and it features:
New chapter, new characters, new cutscene and even a short movie.
Welcome to chapter 2
New hint system (many people were not happy with first puzzle, and it only gets more brutal from there on, so now you can adjust difficulty yourself). If you’re still getting stuck, we have a spoiler-free walkthrough on our website. We’re kind of proud of the way that this system is implemented, it’s quite subtle.
Character skills: Nod can use Axis vision now. It’s like… being able to “see” electricity? And it makes gameplay more diverse (we hope).
Using Axis vision
Complete voice over produced by Kocha Sound. And from great actors, too! You just have to hear it.
So do check it out… And let us know what you think! We really appreciate your feedback and make changes to the game based on it.
It’s quite simple, really. Minotaur is on Kickstarter, and we need your love.
Love does not always mean money, mind you (tell that to Nod’s ex-girlfriend, ha-ha). You can help out a lot by spreading the word around, sharing Kickstarter announcements and so on. Love finds a way.
Yours truly,
U7 committee