Hey all, back at it again with new features.
Different Attacks for Characters
By right-clicking a character's icon in the Party menu, you'll "lock" that character's stats. Meaning, once you mouse off of them, their stats won't go away or change to somebody else'sβ allowing you to then toggle their level with the on-screen arrows, or click on one of their attacks, which will present an entire list of all the attacks in the game to switch to! Whatever changes you make, they will save for the rest of the playthrough once you hit "DONE"!!
When you don't want a character locked anymore, just right-click their icon again.
Equipping Chips or Bytes
Instead of being limited to only 4 at a time, there's new settings available to where you can remove that restriction and select as many Chips/Bytes as you want, as long as they're unlocked! In the Bytes' case, you can even use duplicates! (Although those are limited to 4.) Chips aren't allowed to be duplicated, because due to being on/off toggles, they can't stack with multiple uses.
Other Miscellaneous Things
The Party/Chip/Byte buttons have returned once more, because they were dearly missed.
If you have the "enemy health bar" option on, any boss health bars that were still invisible will be visible.
If there's less than 4 party members on a team, the health bars for the characters that don't exist are no longer visible.
Alternative Download Option
I wanted to co-launch this update with a separate download that unpacks the .EXE so people's antiviruses wouldn't attack it, but unfortunately I had 3 failed upload attempts before one worked, and I ran out of time. So that's going to come later, around 10 hours after the time of this devlog.