-Order of operations when reseting a generic main with powerup could result in a gameover if the rest of the party was K.O.ed. (big thanks to fable50 on Discord for finding AND reporting)
--Fixed by removing an unnecessary block of removing the generic actors prior to doing a restore all
--This could cause a momentary visual glitch if doing a main reset with less than 4 party members and followers ON...added a fade out to cover this up...may cause an extra delay during generic main resets due to a double fade out.
-StinkHole - Sim City
--On difficulty settings 3 and 4, the boss battle now includes an opening attack
--All bosses attack element re-examined
--Difficulty 1-4 boss now drops different swords at a reduced drop rate (previous was 2 chances at 1/5, new is 2 different swords at 1/100 each)
-The list of characters that can equip scythes has been expanded (@ennardgamer87 brought it to my attention)
-New area "KotR Lite" added to Mistral...go to the private airship landing and find the manager in the lower right...keep talking to her to gain access (minimum 5 times, maximum...idk)
--Amethyst main can bypass this (though you'll still have to if you change mains)
--This does not have to be redone after changing mains
-"Sarah - Max" has been given access to the AP system (meaning all stats up)
New characters (from Team SARA):
-all found at KotR Lite
--Azure (Amethyst's mother)
--Zelda (Amethyst's sister)
--Vetala-4th (Azure's sister)
-Team POOR:
--Peer (Ophelia's guardian)
--Ophelia (elder princess)
--Ophalia (younger princess)
--Reep (Ophalia's guardian)
-Wish, Ophelia, Ophalia, and Natasha have semblances that can only be equipped by them, but they CAN be changed if player desires
--The princesses' semblance is one of the very few things that can effect Candi (i.e. the "Bliss" semblance does NOT protect against it)
-These 12 characters come in pairs, and you can only have 2 at any given time
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