Undyne The True Undying now works fine with both difficulties again.
Achievements at the end of Undyne Hard Mode have been fixed.
The new Scooby Doo attack can now be played with the no-heal mode enabled.
The word "scumbag" is now censored in Family Friendly mode.
The start of attack 1 in Distrust Angela phase 2 works fine again in Classic Mode if you skip the intro.
Next up
Buckle your seatbelts.
[DEVLOG] - We've been hard at work.
Coming to V1.6
Have another teaser of the hell that will be brought upon you
Pardon the quality, American Sans shot my camera
Undertale Last Breath: Definitive Edition is now available!
Undertale Last Breath Renewed: Deluxe has entered public beta!
Welcome to Sil's Treasury of Patches!
Yep, uhh... okay.