-Blue cave background visual glitch
-Music sometimes not working properly with custom backgrounds
-Fixed the position of some characters in the floating font
-Fist reflectors wouldn't retain their flipped property when gendoored
-Crash when entering testmode from the template
-Mousewheel scrolling wouldn't work
-Visual glitch with custom backgrounds that don't fill the whole screen
-Crash when editing Pink Plant Woods
-Zoom, current tab and current object page will be remembered when entering testmode
-Foreground elements would appear in front of darkness
-Prickly swing collider being wonky
-Plums wouldn't react to sticky ground and all water types properly
-Gendoored prickly crushers wouldn't retain their properties
-Rayman wouldn't hiccup when instakilled
-The big livingstone would get plummed by basketballs and yinyangs
-The Tentacle Flower wouldn't react to walls properly
-Touching an arrow while hanging would sent you flying indefinitely
-Custom backgrounds would get stuck if the level was exited prematurely
-Startpos flip wouldn't work
-The flying spacepirates would get destroyed when outside of the level boundaries
-Brushboy wouldn't deal damage
-Tentacle flower and Redboss would make sounds even when outside the view
-Mr Sax would get stuck walking after being hit with a note
-Chase bosses will now push you further to avoid getting stuck inside them
-Added hotkeys to change between the tabs (1, 2, 3 and 4)