Added a feature so you can get different backgrounds on the main menu and sandbox maps menu.
Added 2 new maps: Lava and Island.
Island is 3 times bigger than any other map and has 3 times more details.
Added some post prossesing effects so the game would look more cinematic and cooler which you can turn on or off in the settings.
Added three different settings: post proccessing on or off, field of view, and if the crossheir is on or off.
Added a couple more items to the Furniture tab in spawner.
Added a flashlight, which you can turn on and off with R
Added a noclip mode which you can turn on and off with F
Warning: If you are running this on a bad computer, I urge you NOT TO GO TO ISLAND. I am building this game on a pretty decent laptop and it still crashed the game when I tried to leave the map.
Production on Episode 1 is in full swing (hence why this update took so long), and will be release in march.