New version up now, with some bug fixes and a number of gameplay improvements.
Fixed Bug: Tooltips did not always show, or when shown would
flicker too rapidly to be read. Tooltips should now work
correctly throughout the game.Fixed Bug: The tooltips for messages in the Message View now
correctly displays a more detailed report of what occurred.Fixed Bug: Log directory should now be correctly created during
installation.Fixed Bug: Revolt risk was not properly displayed on turn 1.
Reduced the message spam from non-Roman turn.
Civilize costs are now variable, depending on how romanized the
province is.The capital provinces of empires are now marked on the map using
an icon.Provinces that may revolt are also displayed for non-player
empires.All empires on the game map can now become activated during
the non-Roman turn (previously, empires were only active during
their historical period).Empires that have been attacked during the Roman turn and which
have not been wiped out will now always activate in the non-Roman
turn.Settled tribes (i.e., those that start in a region on the map)
can no longer migrate; i.e., they no longer have free passage
through the other barbarian tribes. Only tribes that start in
a wilderness region can now migrate.If a migrating tribe is activated after it has conquered
provinces on the map, one of the provinces it has conquered
become its new capital. This and future activations will
originate in the new capital province. It will also trigger revolts in
that province, if the province is conquered.Migrating tribes that end up in a dead end (happens most often in
Britain), will now attack the local tribe, rather than stacking
on top of them.Stacks of units will not now hang around for ever. When an empire
is activated, it will not only recruit new units but also pick
up units from any regions that it can reach with an excessive
number of units (i.e., more than the manpower rating of the
province).Changed the starting strengths on the campaign map.
The tooltip for the current game score now provides the player
information about the most likely score for the coming turn.The tooltips for citizens and subjects now lists the provinces
where citizens/subjects are available to be recruited in.Added additional tips to help those who can’t figure out how to
read the manual.