-Added a flip option for the breakable walls
-Fixed Playtopia tiles being invisible
-Fixed colliders being visible on the prickly swing
-Fixed the name of Arrow Sign Left
-Fixed Rotating Candy Ball Left not rotating to the left
-Fixed the Mon template slightly to include missing pieces in the individual parts section
-Fixed a crash when entering an invalid value for object properties
-Fixed 'Flipped' to say 'Sway up and down' for yellow and red water
-Fixed Dark Rayman having the wrong skin when using the darkray skin
-Fixed being able to stand on the ledge of instakkilling platforms
-Fixed retaining the sticky state when walking on slopes
-Fixed the 'wrong editor version' -message showing for every level
-Fixed floating text not keeping it's size when gendoored
-Fixed arrow signs not keeping their colour when gendoored
-Fixed a crash when attempting to killdoor a collected toykey
-Fixed not being able to killdoor mounts after dismounting them
-Fixed a crash when selecting 'no' on the save confirmation popup
-Fixed Skops scissors breaking if there's multiple Skops chasers
-Fixed a teleportation glitch in relation to rotating ball platforms
-Fixed rayman reacting to springs while swinging on a ring