Cosmos Galactico
3 months ago

Version 1.0.2 Alfa 3

Esp: ok para iniciar esta ya es la ultima Alfa de todo el juego, ya que proximamente estare trabajando en la demo.

En cuanto a los cambios de esta version son los siguientes:

1-se aรฑadio una tienda de skin.

2-ahora hay un boss al final del nivel el cual te dara una recompensa al derrotarlo.

3-se mejoro un tanto mas la optimizacion.

4-ya tenemos musica en el juego la cual esta creada por mi.

5-se aรฑadieron unos nuevos memes xd, suerte encontrandolos.

6-ya esta disponible los creditos en el menu principal.

Posdata: se que prometi que habria nuevos niveles pero debido a complicaciones tecnicas lo dejare para la demo.

Eng: ok to start this is the last Alpha of the entire game, since I will soon be working on the demo.

Regarding the changes in this version, they are the following:

1-a skin store was added.

2-now there is a boss at the end of the level which will give you a reward when you defeat it.

3-The optimization was improved a little more.

4-We already have music in the game which is created by me.

5-some new memes were added xd, good luck finding them.

6-The credits are now available in the main menu.

Postscript: I know I promised that there would be new levels but due to technical complications I will leave it for the demo.



Next up

tienda en construccion

store under construction

Bueno al fin estoy trabajando en mi primer juego

Well I'm officially working on my first game

yes... Spiritwell is still being worked on...

ya tenemos sistema de vidas

we already have a system of lives

Are you ready?

Momento chamba XD / work moment

Video of changes weekly updates from LaLiga DT #2

Comment what you think of the improvements and if you like the videos instead of images and text #WCLaLigaDT

menu casi terminado

menu almost finished